Nikon SLR Cameras

EOS Digital Cameras?


I have a canon rebel t3i and if i wanted a specific lens and i found it for cheap and it was a nikon? Would it work?

Eliot K
Eliot K

No. Nikon and Canons have different mounts - they even attach by turning in opposite directions.

Other lens companies, e.g. Tokina, make the same lens in several forms, one for Nikon, one for Canon.So, if you were buying a Tokina or Tamron, you would have to make sure that it matched your Canon.


Sorry It's Not going to work because they have two totally different mounts. It's like trying to fit a large round peg into a small square hole.


You know what? That exact thing is covered in the instructions that came with your camera… Why haven't you read them?

Jim A
Jim A

Nope. I own Canon and Nikon lenses are made for Canon cameras and they won't work in Nikon cameras either.


You can get an adapter for a Nikon lens to fit on a Canon; although you will have to manually focus… And it depends on the Nikon lens. I would research it online a bit if I were you… As I can't answer if I do not know what exact Nikon lens it is.


Yeah without totally blowing you off, it's possible to mount Nikon lenses onto Canon cameras. But the question is, is it worth it? It would only be worth it I guess if you have a lot of Nikon lenses and you have ONLY a Canon body with no other means of obtaining a Nikon body to use them.

But don't beat yourself up about it, we all make mistakes. In your case, I could tell it's something you'll learn from and won't do again. With that being said, it's up to you if you want to keep that lens or sell it to fund a Canon DSLR compatible lens. For starters, the latest version of the Canon 18-55mm kit lens is really good and can be found used for around/less than $110.

If you're really desperate, a quick solution is to find a Canon Rebel 35mm film camera with a cheap lens (such as 35-80mm) and mount it onto your T3i. You might be able to find those for less than $20 but don't count on it. I'm just assuming there's an ad on Craigslist floating around for it and you just didn't consider it.

My recommendation (personal) is to sell the Nikon lens and if you're on a low budget, at least get the 18-55mm Image Stabilized (IS) lens.