Nikon SLR Cameras

Is the Nikon D3100 worth the money over D3000?

bren of
bren of

I'm in a great mental debate of whether to spend the extra money on the D3100 or not. I know that it is better but is it that much better for me to spend 150 extra on it?

PS I'm using it for sports if that has anyhting to do with it


They both shoot at only 3 frames per second, so for sports they are pretty equal. One shoots vid and is 14.2mp over the 3000 that is 10.2.

Sports photography requires a high speed camera, and on Nikon that is a camera with an H after the model number, ex D-2H or D-3H those shoot at 8 frames per second.

I think that if you are looking to spend this amount of money on a camera then you should take a serious look at a used D-200. That is a far better camera and shoots at 5 frames per second. For sports you are going to need those 2 extra frames per second. You can find them for the same money that you are looking at spending for either of these 2 cameras.