Decision between Canon EOS 7D and Nikon D7000?

Since this is going to be my first dslr, i'm really confused between two. First of all, money is not an issue. But i don't want to go full frame yet. What i'm going to shoot is mostly portrait, some wild life and images(and maybe videos) for stock. Nikon is much cheaper with the kit lens. And 7D doesn't include a kit lens but i can even buy 28-105mm L series, for everyday shooting next to a 50mm.
Nikon d7000 is newer technology, 7d a bit older. Anyways, all tips are welcomed.

I suggest that you try both of your choices on a camera shop and compare how both cameras feel on your hands. The placement of the buttons, the screen, how you change settings, etc. Will greatly affect your preference. Specs wise, both D700 and 7D are great. Maybe that's the reason why you are confused.

If you are going to use the camera to take pictures, then the Nikon D7000 will be the better choice.
For full review of the Nikon D7000 please visit: