Will Nikon fix my lens under Manufactures Warranty?

I bought the nikon 70-300mm VR lens from B. Buy and had it for like two weeks and now its not working properly. Basically, the lens will not autofocus. It still takes great pictures and works like it would on manual focus, but when its on auto. If you jiggle the lens, you can hear something internally moving and shaking around but thats all I know. Just bought the lens and nothing else, and can't take it back. Will Nikon fix it for me by any chance under the manufactures warranty?

First call Nikon and have them help you.
The noise you hear is the VR mechanism making noise. The VR system is supposed to make a little noise while it's working, let alone when someone is shaking it.
You should NEVER shake a lens for any reason.
Is your lens set in the MA mode, VR on and VR in Normal mode with the auto-focus set to either single or continuous mode?

Nikon will need to examine the lens. If they determine that it is a faulty lens, then they will fix or replace it free.
If they determine that the problem is from misuse or abuse, they will contact you with a repair estimate.