Want to change nikon D3100 under warranty?

I have a nikon D3100, few months ago the lense was not working it showed me LENSE ERROR… I gave my camera for repair, i got it back after a month, it was working fine for a few days but now since it have been repaired, the pics i take are not coming out good at all, half of the pic is dark and half is very bright… I have a 3 year warranty, i would not like to give my camera for repair… It might become more bad, do you think i could exchange it with D5100 under warranty?

You are beyond any store policy
the only thing to do would be to get it fixed. Contact Nikon and see what they can do

Nope, exchange policies are usually only good for 10 to 30 days.
I have a question.
Did your camera go back to Nikon for repair of did the store just send it out locally?
Your D3100 has a one year factory warranty and the lens may have a 5-year warranty. I would call Nikon and tell them the problem and be able to give them the serial number of both the camera and lens.

Your camera is not valid for replacement. Just send the camera back again. Make sure though that the camera is going to an authorized Nikon service center. If not, that's where the problem is. It may be best to call up Nikon.