Nikon SLR Cameras

Is Kodak cameras better than canon and nikon slr cameras?

De Laa
De Laa

I got a Kodak as a gift for my birthday but i only know about canon and nikon slrs i'm not sure about Kodak cameras. Can you please tell me if this is a good brand, and tell me which brand is better?


First of all, Kodak does NOT make dSLR cameras, not anymore at least.

If you got a Kodak as a gift, it was NOT a dSLR, but some kind of P&S camera. Giving us the model number would have been helpful to answer this question a little more accurately

The two most purchased, entry level dSLR's are the Nikon D3100 and Canon T3/1100D

Kodak has no comparable camera

Jim A
Jim A

You are kidding right? I mean this is a joke?

No brand is written up for problems and early brake downs more than Kodakā€¦ None. They are, from we've seen, a very bad brand all around.

We do not, emphasis on not, see any write ups on Canon or Nikon, especially among the dslr groups of these two companies.

In this group you mention, Kodak is running an extremely distant 3rd.


No.No. Anything but Kodak.