What should I ask for for christmas? - 1
I'm a soon to be 19 year old college student (my birthday is not too long after Christmas)
I know it is a little superficial to be wondering what should I ask for for Christmas, but hey, I'm not religious, for me this holiday is about spending time with family.
Anywho, on my list I already have a Nikon DSLR(I love photography), a wetsuit (I'm into surfing), and a Vera Bradley all in one wristlet.
I already have a tv in my dorm and I pretty much have all the essentials. I really do not need any more clothes, except for dresses. I don't really have time to read or play video games since I'm busy with my school work. I have 2 iPods as well.
I'm rushing for a sorority in the spring so if there are any ideas for what I may need for that that I can ask for, let me know.
Ask for CASH! You can buy whatever you decide you need later, and if you really need money for school or anything, you'll have a bunch. I know you'll probably think I don't just want to go asking around for money, that you want actually gifts people put thought into, but the truth is, people most likely prefer just giving you money-they won't have to put all the time and effort into a gift.
Hmm… You're not "religious"? So, your soul is unsaved, and you are at the moment, headed to hell if you accidentally die, and you want to know what to ask for? Hmm… Money, I guess.
Now, if you want to be saved:
Admit you are a sinner (like everyone is)
Believe you need a Savior (Jesus)
Confess your sins, and ask Him to come into your life, and be your Lord.
Then find a good church, that can teach you the truth. As it is, you are like so many college students and teachers, who are so smart, they are stupid.