Nikon SLR Cameras

What should I ask for on Christmas?


I know that christmas is like three months from now, but I can't stop thinking about it for some reason. I can't decide on what to ask for between these three things:
1. A dslr camera (specifically the nikon d3100 or the sony a33)
2. The iPhone 4 (I already have a 3gs, but I really want the iPhone 4)
3. An iPad or a netbook (for going on vacations and such)
These are the only things that I will ask for but I can't decide on which one to ask for.


Get the camera and then send it to me… Don't be greedy. <_<


Why not. Just not ask for anything. And be happy, maybe even spend christmas thanking your parents for everything you already have.

anti socialite
anti socialite

Nothing. It's about Jesus's birthday, not yours.


I think you should ask for the camera or the ipad/netbook. If you already have and iphone 3, i don't think you should get the 4.soon they will have a 5 and 6. Then you should get a new one.yours will start going "extinct" then. If i were you, i would say…
"I would like a netbook, ipad, or this camera.whatever you think is best."

hope i could help!


It's sad that you feel you have almost everything you can think of and therefore need help from others for suggestions of material things to ask for. What are your dreams, what are you interested in doing; or working towards when you are older';
Give yourself a half hour each day for the next few days to spend in a room in your home, that doesn't have distractions like all that stuff; or anyone with you, then relax, loaf, while dreaming a dream, don't think too hard, let it come to you; that idea of something you would like to do or be. If your dream starts to develop, you'll find that to get started making the dream come true you'll need something that relates. Give it a try, no techno, just you and your free flowing thoughts, I bet it will be original.



hello christmas kitty
hello christmas kitty

Get an ipad or netbook

i'm getting a pink netbook and pink case for it i can't wait ahh.


I think you should ask for an i phone 4 or ditch everything else and get a dsi because you can chat to people, play games, take pictures, go online, buy new games with points and make your own mini movies dsi's are great things… Trust me!

Sammy Gabbie MY POOS!
Sammy Gabbie MY POOS!

Asking for them ON Christmas is a little too late…

My advice is to earn the money and buy these yourself.

Kelly Annee x
Kelly Annee x

You selfish, commercialised person. What did Jesus get? Yeah, that's right, and he's the saviour of the world.