Nikon SLR Cameras

Should ask for a new guitar or a dslr camera for christmas?


My dad just got a big bonus, and he said that i could have whatever i want for christmas (within reason, of course.a new car is out of the question).

I really need a new guitar, my old one is falling apart.
But recently i took up photography, and i want a camera. I want the nikon d5100

Which one should i ask for?




Oh dear. I love photography and guitars/music as well. VERY tricky choice.
I would go with the camera, because nice guitars aren't that hard to save up for, how as cameras cost a lot (now if you're talking about a Gibson or a 11 grand guitar, obviously the camera would be cheaper. I'm saying typically I spend about $300 to $400 on guitars). And plus you can do so much with cameras. I want one so bad!

Merry Christmas.


Well i've never played an instrument as a hobby in my life but even if i had i would still go for the camera as that has more benefit. You might not be playing a guitar in a few years but you'll always need a camera


It depends on what you want to get out of it.
You do have a tricky choice, I think it depends on what you mean by taking up photography, if you've started a photography course then camera all the way.
But if you've taken it up as another hobby, then you have to decide which will be the most worthwhile during the time it takes to save up for the other item. It my be a case of flipping a coin if you're that stuck.