Christmas list help! What lens should i ask for my Nikon?
I've been looking at new lenses for my Nikon D3000, I already have a 20-50mm lens, and a 70-200mm lens. I'm just an amateur, but i'd like another lens. Any suggestions?
I suggest anything with a wide apperture! Creativity simply JUICES out of those things!
You don't have anything wide angle, why not a 10 or 12 mm?
Perhaps a 50mm f/1.8G? You didn't tell us what you need or want, and what is your budget. It's not like there's a lens that everyone can buy when they want a new one.
Here's a Lens Buying Guide -
Take a look at the Nikon 50mm f/1.8G, its a good prime lens. You haven't specified what you want the lens for so i'm suggesting a prime lens that many Nikon users own. Read this review to aid in your decision:
You can get it for a good price here:
There's a list of more great lenses as decent prices, check them out here: