What shall I save my money up for?

I'm fifteen and I want to save up my pocket money but I can't decide what I should save it up for, I'm thinking of a laptop ( i already have one but i have to share it with family and in 2 years time ill be going to college) or a Nikon L120 ( I really like taking pic) or a phone like a blackberry. But if you have any other suggestions please tell me.

Save it for a rainy day. If you don't really know what you want, save it.

Just save it to save it. Never know what may happen.

Lol why are you asking, it's not like it matters now! Just save up, and then when you have a decent amount of money you can decide what you want most then. There's no use saying that you're saving for a laptop now, and then in a year deciding that you don't want one!