Nikon SLR Cameras

What is better? Nikon or Canon?


I'm curious on if one is better then the other or if it is just more of a preference?
I know this must be a common question.


It depends.

Nikon was the first to introduce video to dSLR's, but Canon ran with it.

Now, Nikon is the first to introduce uncompressed video, so we will have to see what Canon does

With the introduction of the Nikon D3, high ISO performance, Nikon has been the hallmark of available dSLR's with low noise at high ISO's

Sample: This is with an old Nikon D3, the D3s and D4 perform even better.

Both camera companies supply probably 85% of the cameras that the pros use and each have over 70 current lenses.

You are going to have to do your own independent research on this question, NOT asking for opinions.

AND you will have to visit a proper camera shop and hold both brands in your hands and see which feels the best in your hands


Yes it has been asked many times.

Canon makes the best inexpensive compact cameras.

For the high-end compacts ($400 and up) it is a toss-up.

For DSLRs, it is unquestionably Nikon. Nikon has been killing the competition this year with the introduction of new DSLRs, and there has not been a peep out of Canon. Nikon used to own the DSLR market, but Canon made a serous dent in it by introducing cheap DSLRs. It has taken Nikon some time to recover, and their current lineup is evidence of that.

And if you look at Dx0Mark Lab test results on sensors, Nikon consistently scores higher than Canon. Even three old Nikons are better score-wise than some new Canon cameras.

And Nikon cares for previous customers, as evidenced by the fact that you can mount a Nikon lens built in 1959 on a camera made in 2012. You can't do that with Canon as they changed mounts, making the older ones incompatible (prior to the mid '80s).

Canon owners might disagree, but those are the facts.


Anyone with a brain would know better than to ask.

Buy a GE, it's all you deserve.



Masticina Akicta
Masticina Akicta


Eh really this question again

The issues that whenever Canon brings out a better camera then Nikon has. Nikon brings out a better camera then Canon.

It is a case of "who is in the lead on what today".in the end both are I say equal. I'm not going to point out a winner in a race where both sides.keep trading positions.

You know what matters more is what camera fits your usage.

Any entry level DSLR will offer then enough performance and image quality for quite a few people. Yet. If you have certain needs for instance shooting sport and the 3 frames you get out of the entry level body is just not enough. Then you might need to buy a higher model that is quicker.

Hell sony is now making SLT's, that use a slightly different design, the mirror doesn't flips up. This makes even their lowest offering the A37 offer you 7 Frames per Second. For a DSLR/T that cheap that is allot!

The Entry level canon or nikons will offer you 4FPS. So as you notice different model cameras might offer different functions and gains. My tip

See the images show with the cameras.

And.go to an actual store and HOLD the camera. Why? Ergonomy. The placement of buttons, switches, the finish etc. How does it feels using it. How does it feel in your hands.

And in the end there's one great factor in what makes a good photo, the person who made the picture. The person behind the camera.drives what the pictures will be.