What is a really good high quality camera?

I really want a good quality camera (preferably cannon or Nikon doesn't have to be) that takes good quality pictures and videos (no blurriness). I might be going to Disneyland soon and I really want a camera to capture the memories. Any suggestions?

Really good high quality camera?
Phase One IQ180.

This one is really good:
Oh, and you will need a really good zoom lens for that…
This will be perfect for Disneyland:

I always use Canons. What type are you looking for? Are you just looking for a higher quality point-and-shoot, or an actual professional quality SLR camera? For point-and-shoot, I have the Canon Powershot ELPH 300 HS, which is quite high quality as far as compact point-and-shoots go. This camera is about a year old though, so I'm sure there's a newer better version now. It does very good quality videos for the camera that it is, it's advertised as full HD, and the videos do actually look it. All of the ELPHs are good cameras.
For SLR cameras, the Rebel is quite good and much more affordable at about $700 than the $7000 Mark III… But I'm not sure if that's actually what you're looking for when you say "high quality camera."