Nikon SLR Cameras

What is a better film camera out of these 3?


I'm looking to purchase my first non-digital camera for some practice.
My 3 options are:
-Nikon F60
-Nikon F90
-Canon AE-1
What one is best? Why?
Thank you!

Added (1). I'm buying these 2nd hand. So I these are why I said the following three. However I just got an email and now * a Canon EOS Elan 7N & a Konica T3* are also available. So what out of the 5 is my best buy?


Yashic MF-2 Super. It is the cheapest Film Camera with good Photo Quality. Best for Practice, Worst for Proffesonals.


Forget the Canon AE-1.It is part of an obsolete camera system (1987)

If you want to buy a Canon, look for a Canon EOS 35 mm camera

The F90/N90 is the most advanced of the three you listed

User manuals



John P
John P

Canon AE-1 or Nikon F90 would be good choices, because they allow full manual working as well as exposure automation. Sorry, I don't know about the Canon EOS Elan 7N, but i assume that it was a later 'equivalent' to the AE-1, but using the later EOS lsans mount.

The whole point of going back to basics is to be able to control things yourself. Really no point in looking at a Yashica, that brand was good but was always a 'second string' brand. In the vintage that you are looking at Nikon and Canon and Pentax were the tops. Avoid Konika - very few lenses available.

Vinegar Taster
Vinegar Taster

I'd go with the Nikon F90…