Nikon SLR Cameras

What is better? Nikon or canon? - 1


I have two friends that one has a nikon Dslr and the other one has a Canon that is also a Dslr. But what i want to know is what one is better for film. What are the pros and cons of both of them


Both have really good cameras. If you are a beginner, I prefer to go with Nikon D3100.It is an excellent DSLR camera, less expensive than Canon and more over it has a built-in guide, which will help you in setting your camera and learning photography. Hope it helps.



Both produce excellent cameras in either film or digital and would have you believe the other is rubbish. Just pick the one you can afford.

Jim A
Jim A

There's no better… Different yes but not better. Both companies make excellent gear so comparing model for model there's no better. Just pick the one you want.

I'm a Canon owner so that's what I always recommend.


If you are talking which one is better for Film and not Digital, and you are including their respective line of lenses, the technical answer is Nikon. Sure a lot of people will disagree, but they are disagreeing based upon a subjective response.

Creatively there's no way to answer your question. One photographer may capture a better image with one camera than the other at that given moment - or even consistently as the camera feels and works better for that person.

Put up the same image shot by the two cameras and anyone would be hard pressed to pick which camera did which.

Technically, however, there have been tests and Nikon surpasses the others. There were two well known tests - the first dealt with the electronics, mechanics and metering of the SLR itself. The other test took families of Prime lenses and did color chart tests. They compared how blacks, whites and certain colors were represented and then compared them - not to the other companies lenses, but to the other lenses within the manufacturer's series.

The Nikkor lenses were far beyond the others in consistency.

I know this test was expanded for movie lenses. I believe the top 3 family of lenses were Nikkor, Cooke, Angeniuex.

Me, I prefer Nikon for film. I still have 5 or 6 Nikon bodies and my favorite is still my 1978 Nikon FM - a stripped down, fully manual camera.

Bu for digital I do not even consider Nikon (maybe a little) and love the EOS 5D, 7D. No comparison on the digital side. Subjective.


Nikon or Canon?
Coke or Pepsi?

Ownership breeds loyalty and that loyalty breeds fierce defence of a particular brand. After all very few people will like to admit they just spent $1000 on the wrong camera!

Fact is they are both as good as each other. One will steal the march with a model upgrade but a couple of months later the other has matched it. Some say Nikon has better low light performance - I don't know my Canon is good enough for me!

Of all the camera manufacturers the 2 have survived at the top of the field while others have fallen by the wayside. They have doen it by prodcing top quality products carefully designed to target a broad market spectrum.


Canon is good for videos and Nikon is good for pictures!