Nikon SLR Cameras

Photograhers out there, please comment on my photos?


Okay, I just turned 16 and have had a 'beginners' camera for 2 years. (Nikon p100) I love the art, and is my passion. Although the art of photography isn't a wealthy career and I don't know if I should peruse it, I don't want to be a local one, I want to work for a magazine or something… Give me your ideas please! And check some of my work out. (also I'm well aware that my photographs are placed randomly, but it's just a selection of my work)


My overall opinion is that they are promising and imaginative (I especially like the art shown in b/w and I think the rows of color pic too, has potential), but there's some work to be done in the technique and composition department.
Landscapes for instance, often benefit from a horizon that's not smack in the middle of the photo, check out the Rule of Thirds (see link below). Of course, this is not an iron rule, and you can deviate from it whenever you want but only if it enhances the effect or essence of what you're trying to convey. Otherwise, you'll end up with just another boring holiday snap.
Btw, keep your horizons either straight, or give them a really crazy angle. A few degrees of slope reinforces the idea that the shot's just not quite right, indicative of lazy photography.
What I find very promising is that you're not afraid of colours or lack thereof, it's a matter of when to use them or not, and that takes experience. And posting your question on Y! A shows that you're not afraid to invite some critique, which also earns a lot of kudos in my book.

There's lots to learn and practise, as well as to enjoy. We've all started out somewhere, and none of us were instant copies of the likes of Ansel Adams.


I find your work pretty interesting for a beginner, however they still have many beginner errors.IE: the dog is cute, but with kids and animals get down and shoot at their eye level. Start taking courses, workshops, join your local camera club and enter their competitions and read, read read. Have fun, too!