Nikon SLR Cameras

Please comment on my photos please


I"m!^ and love photography< I understand I"m not a professional and I"m not the best at compostion on these shots but I"m working on it!< I currently have a Nikon p100 and is looking at getting a cannon D60 or Cannon 1100D, please leave your comments on my photos and what I should do.


You will learn more and get more detailed comments if you provide links to about four images and ask for a critique. You have 38 images there and your flaws range form clipping of your subject, angle, exposure and slanted horizons. There are good things that need to be pointed out as well.


You can focus and you have an eye for good light. I only like the pencils. Learn more about composition.

Forlorn Hope
Forlorn Hope

You need to work on your composition… And learning about verticals and horizontals…


As a non-professional, the photos of yous is really good. All you need is a different angle of thinking and sure you'll make good photos.