Nikon SLR Cameras

Can you take a look at my photos and comment about what you think! Please?


I'm 16 and have taken them all on my nikon p100

Added (1). Thanks guys, that's the confidence boost I need!


They're great.


These can be considered professional pictures, good job.


I'm not going to lie to you and tell you those are professional looking photos. They are a decent start, but are pretty much random snapshots with poor composition, some exposure problems, and poor editing.


No, they do not look professional. I like some of them . But, they are not professional quality.

Forlorn Hope
Forlorn Hope

There are one or two good ones, but the majority are typical snapshots… There's no consistency of photos… A lot fail on so many levels - composition, exposure, etc


Keep it up.


Despite what the gushers are telling you, they are not at a professional level. But I did like them, and think you have made a nice beginning. I see that you are thinking about at least some of them before mashing the button, and that is good. I also like your subjects. Landscape is my favorite genre of photography.cliche or not. Some have typical beginner shortcomings of exposure, composition and framing. You have a lot of tilted horizons and you are clipping some subjects at the edge. I liked the tree swamp shot quite a bit, and the colored pencil shot, although a subject that is done to death by almost every teen bginner, was sharp and had good DoF.

There are lots of ways to advance and improve. Taking a class is a good idea, or join a local photography club or group for real mentoring and feedback. Visit the library for a book or two on basic photography and composition. If your camera has semi-auto or manual modes, begin learning how to form your own exposure decisions. Continue to learn and practice. I think you have the potential to be very good in the future if you work at learning the craft and honing your skills. Best wishes and happy shooting.

Mrs Lovett
Mrs Lovett

I think those a pretty well taken photos
My favourites are


and also but maybe without the little house thing in the background