Nikon SLR Cameras

Are there any clever people out there that can project price drops on a DSLR camera?


I'm a film maker and have decided to buy a new DSLR camera. I finally chose the Canon 60D as the one I want, but it is a bit high in price for my budget. But I will take the time to save up for it, and I wanted to know if there are any clever business/mathematics people out there that can tell me if there might be a price drop in the 60D in the next year so I can buy this camera a bit earlier than expected and get to work that much quicker. Anything would be much appreciated.

And please no one try to change my choice on camera or heaven forbid try to get me to buy a Nikon. I've been using Canon all my life and I'm not switching now.

Added (1). @keerok I don't have the money for it right now, which is why I said I'm saving up for it.
@AWBoater Multiple Canon DSLR's dropped $50-$100 when another model was released. Which is where this thought came from.

Added (2). @AWBoater I also doubt it will be discontinued any time soon as it's one of the top 5 cameras they sell right now.


You need the camera now. Buy it now. To hell with the price tag.


About the only time you will see a price drop is when the camera is discontinued. If anything the price will go up over the next couple years - depending on where you live. In the US for instance, the way the economy is, the exchange rate between the US Dollar and Japanese Yen is becoming less favorable, so the prices are more likely to increase, not decrease.

So if you want a camera, either buy one now, or wait for the camera to be discontinued.