Nikon SLR Cameras
5 answers

Nikon EN-EL9 Battery

I lost my battery charger. I'm thinking of getting an aftermarket charger because they are cheaper.

I'm wondering what does the S stands for on the battery?
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Do they need to be charged as well? Like is it used to get the battery charged? Since there are three pins n the charger.
( Nikon EN-EL9 Battery Help - 1 )

because the one i'm planning to get doesn't have that, only two - for positive and negative.

Please answer!

2 answers

Panasonic g6 vs Nikon d5200 for movies?

I'm getting a new camera, which I will be using to make short films. I've narrowed down my options to these two cameras. Which one do you think is better for making movies?

3 answers
1 answer

Smartphone or point and shoot?

I have recently been hooked up with a tough question. I was always loved photography to the core.Up till now my Asus Zenfone 5 was my best friend in my photographic efforts. And now i have got about 15000 inr($230) and looking for a better equipment to feed my desire. There are 2 options either to buy an xiaomi mi4(known for its camera) or nikon l840 point and shoot. But the thing is some say smartphone cameras are better.

2 answers

Best lens for my Nikon 1 j4?

I need to increase the quality of my video because I'm shooting some slow mo videos (video quality goes down as I increase the frame rate). I want the best one for my budget. My budget is $150.

3 answers

What is wrong with my camera? - 1

It's a Film Nikon N5005. I load the film and take one picture and everything seems fine, but when I try to take another picture it won't let me. I thought it might be something wrong with the film I put in, so I put a new roll in and it did the exact same thing. What's wrong with it?

Added (1). Just to be clear: Batteries are new, film is loaded correctly and I believe the film advance is automatic.

3 answers

Camera ISO settings?

I have a Nikon l35af and I have a roll of 800 iso film. The camera's iso settings go from 400 to 500 to 640 to 1000, which is the max. Does this mean I can't use the 800 film properly? Which setting should I choose if I want to use the 800?

6 answers

Canon lens for Nikon?

Is there any way I can use this lens:
with a Nikon 5200
I can't seem to find another lens with that quality for as inexpensive.
If any of you know a Nikon lens similar for around the same price?

2 answers

Can you interchange Minolta rangefinder lenses?

I have a Minolta Hi-Matic 11, and I want to change the lens. Is it possible?

2 answers

ISO in live view window. Nikon d5300?

So I bought a nikon d5300 hundred recently and I'm learning how to use it. One thing I noticed is that when I adjust the iso there's no change in what I see until I take the picture. So i was wondering if there was a way to make it so these adjustments show up in the live view window?