Nikon SLR Cameras
6 answers

Canon/Nikon which is the top brand in the world of photography?

I know both the camera functions almost the same within the same price range, but I'm just curious to know which brand is considered to be the best in photography worls

4 answers

Where can I find a cable release for Nikon FE camera?

Looking for a cable release for my Nikon FE. Could someone redirect me to on online shop that sells some? Something inexpensive would be nice.

2 answers

Will the airport xray machine damage my camera or memory card?

It's a Nikon AW100. Thanks for any advice. I've heard they give you a hard time when asking for a hand inspection and I'd hate to come back from our vacation and lose the pics.

2 answers

Would a Nikon 70-210mm lens work with my Lumix G1?

Well my Grandad passed away and my nanny gave me his camera stuff, Nikon 70-210mm lens, Nikon SS-10 Flash, and video recorder and another normal digital camera (not an SLR.) I have a Lumix G1 and I was wondering if the flash would work with the camera and whether there was a way to connect the lens to the camera?

9 answers

Why does my pictures seem out of focus when I take them?

I have just upgraded to a nikon DSLR camera. I used to take point and shoots all the time now my pictures appear blurry. Do I blame my inexperience in using shutter speeds?

5 answers

What is the difference between a canon and a Nikon or other camera brands?

I'm looking to buy a new camera (professional) and was wondering which one is the best but affordable in each of the major brands and what the difference between them is? I have always seemed to lean towards a canon camera but I don't know why- some people say that nikon are better where others say canon or fujifilm… Which is the better brand?

2 answers

How to tell if a Nikon Fe 35mm film camera is authentic?

I bought a Nikon FE 35mm film camera just recently and i noticed just now that the film rewind thingy is different from all the Fe's i see in the net. Now i have a bad feeling that i got a fake unit.

the rewind knob is all silver and the lever itself is a single piece.

3 answers

How to edit. MOV files in Windows Movie Maker?

My Nikon L105 records 720p HD video in the. MOV format and I've been trying to figure out how to edit them using Windows Movie Maker for XP. I've researched all over and people keep saying to convert it but I'm against doing that because I've already tried using a couple different programs and the resulting video was badly pixelated and looked horrible. It's not something I would want to upload to YouTube, which is the reason why I'm trying to edit these, so I can post them.

It seems converting video files causes a serious loss of quality so that option is out, that is unless someone can suggest a really good converter that won't cause pixelation. But I've read something about installing codecs to allow Movie Maker to edit. MOV files. If that is true, where can I find such a codec? I'm on an older HP m7167c desktop with XP. If the codec thing is true, does that only apply to the Windows 7 version of Movie Maker or is there a codec for XP?

Btw, I've called Nikon about this, they told me to use the ViewNX 2 program, which I did, but I do not like that program at all. Just thought to include that in case anyone suggested it.

All help regarding this issue would be greatly appreciated.

4 answers

What can I buy in Melbourne?

I'm going to Melbourne in about 6 weeks and I have around 300-500 dollars and I don't know what I can buy, I was thinking about a Nikon camera but I don't have enough

2 answers

What kind of camera does Ashhlleeeyy on YouTube use to take her pictures?

I know she has a Nikon but what kind?

Added (1). I said to take her pictures. When did I say videos? Wow, guess who's not getting best answer?