Nikon SLR Cameras

What can I buy in Melbourne?


I'm going to Melbourne in about 6 weeks and I have around 300-500 dollars and I don't know what I can buy, I was thinking about a Nikon camera but I don't have enough


If you don't know what to buy, don't buy anything! We can't possibly advise you as we don't know what you want/need/what your tastes are. If you're desperate to buy something as a memento of your visit, just choose something small (a charm for a bracelet or necklace?) and save the rest of the money.

Or, as there's still six weeks to go, do some odd jobs or other work and save up enough to buy the camera.

Greg S
Greg S

Melbourne has many fashion boutiques but it it not regarded as a technology shopping destination


Save your money. Budget well and buy yourself a house in a few years time. It is really worth it, don't itch to spend your money. If you always need to spend then you have affluenza.


Do you have 300-500 total or an extra 300-500 to spend on whatever you want? Because Melbourne is expensive and $300-$500 will probably not get you through the 6 weeks. I spend about $500 a month on food, transportation, entertainment etc., NOT counting my housing. Of course if your living expenses are already covered, then $300-$500 might buy a few gifts here or there but electronics are generally expensive.