Can I use Nikon and canon af lenses on an olympus 4/3 camera?

Can autofocus lenses from Nikon or canon be used on olympus 4/3 dslr cameras? I want to know if it is doable if they do not have 4/3 mounts. Is there perhaps an adapter that can be bought that allows the lens to be used along with its autofocus capabilities?
I'm wanting to buy this lens: SsPag…
To use on the olympus e-410 type of camera.

There's no way that a 4/3rds camera can use a Nikkor or Canon lens be used in the auto-focus mode.
If you want to shoot with a Nikkor lens, buy a Nikon lens. If you want to shoot with a Canon lens, buy a Canon camera. Olympus and Panasonic 4/3 camera buy one of their lenses.
Tamron makes lenses that fit Nikon and Canon cameras. Buy the one that fits your camera

You can buy adapters, but you will lose direct aperture control and auto focus. A better bet is to get the 4/3's to micro 4/3's adapter and buy a lens for that system, as you'll maintain full lens capability.
I have to say the lens you are looking at is kind of specific. I'd be wanting to have reached the end of my creative abilities with a 50-150mm or 70-200mm, f/2.8 before considering such a lens.

Lens adapters are generally a bad idea for the reasons given in other answers.
I can't vouch for any of these, but here are some long macro lenses available for the Four Thirds system:

If you can find an appropriate adapter, yes but would losing all if not most automatic functions be worth the trouble?
The four-thirds mount system is adapted not only by Olympus but also (I'm guessing here) Panasonic, Leica (sure about this) and other brands. The inclusion of Leica alone means you have access to directly use the best brand of optical lenses in the whole world since the film era.

Before forking out for a specialist 1:1 macro lens and an adapter, you might want to take a look at the DIY solution on Youtube (link below).
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