Nikon D90-how do i set the timer to take multiple photos?

I went into menu mode, set the timer for 10 seconds and 9 shots. But when i try to use it, it only takes one photo? Are there rapid photo shots? Lastly, any recommendations for an inexpensive remote compatible?

NO camera has that feature.
The self timer is for one shot only.
What you may be thinking about is what is called an interval timer and only a very select number of cameras have this feature.
The Nikon D200 and D300 have such a feature.
You can buy a remote shutter release and take multiple shots using it, but you will have to press the button.ML-L3 Wireless Remote Control

Fhotoace is correct, as usual. You are mis-understanding what the timer is for. It is not to time between shots. It is only a countdown before it takes ONE shot. It is most often used to get yourself into a photo before the shutter activates, but can also be useful when the camera is tripod mounted to prevent blur due to camera shake when pressing the shutter. The two second timer is typically used for this purpose (to activate the shutter automatically).