How to set up self timer on my nikon d90?

Can anyone give step by step instructions from very start to finish, and modes that need to be in and on etc. I'm follwing instructions in manual and in nikon d 90 for dummies its not happening.
I must be dumber and dummier… Any help greatly apreciated, thanks in advance.x

It's the same button as single/continuous shooting - just press that until it tells you.

have a look at this video, it is for multiple shots on the self timer but you only have to follow the instructions and set it for a single shot and your own delay time if preferred and you can keep the video for reference

Look for a button on the top of the camera, to the right of the top LCD screen. It will have what looks like 3 squares on it, with a clock and remote icon next to it.
Depress AND HOLD that button down. Then turn the rotary knob at the top/right/rear of the camera. While viewing the LCD screen, you will see the following icons:
box with an S in it = single shot
3 boxes with a L next to it = low speed continuous shooting
3 boxes with a H next to it = high speed continuous shooting
a clock = SELF TIMER
a clock with remote = Self Timer activated by remote
remote = remote shutter control
As you turn the rear dial each "click" the icon will change. If it goes through the whole list, it begins again with the first one.
To set the self timer, simply set the rear dial (while keeping the top button depressed) until the clock shows. That is the self timer.
I verified this with my D90.
Also, remember to set it back to single shot (the box with the S) when you are done using it in self-timer mode.