Nikon SLR Cameras

Is the Nikon 1 a professional camera?

Justin Case
Justin Case

Jim A
Jim A

No. The Nikon 1 is an EVIL camera. Electronic Viewfinder Interchangeable Lenses. It's basically an over priced, way over rated pocket toy point and shoot. For the same money you can get a real camera, a dslr by Canon or Nikon - the best in the world.

Oh, professional cameras are all dslr cameras and they start at $4, 000 or so.



If you knew what makes a camera a professional camera, you would already know the answer.

Of the Nikon dSLR cameras the only "professional" ones are the D300s, D3s, D3x and now the D4. Just because a camera uses interchangeable lenses does NOT make it a professional camera


Not even close.


No. Make sure you are not confusing DSLR with Professional. Most people do because they look alike.


It depends. If I'm running a professional portrait studio, then no. If I'm taking a self portrait of my solo climb up Mt. McKinley, then maybe yes.