Is a Nikon D90 camera good enough to get professional photos?

After I have completed a photography course? I want to do event photos and do my first few events ( not as the main photographer for no charge to gain experience ) and this is what I can afford for now - being a newbie and all, so if I'm good and I have had the classes, is this camera good enough?

Yes it is people think that the clarity is on the pixels but no is on the lens and using photoshop wouldn't hurt to enhance and tweak a little.

That's what my local photo shop uses for taking portraits.

Spend as much on the lens as you do on the camera; consider second hand (if guaranteed from a real dealer) camera and especially second hand leans (Aperture in London, Robert White in Scotland)
But yes, used expertly (classes will help, so will practise) that will do a good job if your imaging skills are good - choosing the moment, composing, correct techniques etc.
By the way keep some budget for spare battery (a must) and extra cards, a couple of 2Gb high speed cards as well as the one in the camera. That lot is £120 ++ for starters.

I've never used one but based on the specs I would say yes it has good mega pixels which is important. When i went to photography school we used a Nikon D 200 which I really liked that one.
Also depending on what you are going to be shooting the kind of lens you get makes all the difference which tends to rack up the price quite a bit

I'm happy with mine, it was a very easy camera to learn from. Everything is right at your finger tips so manual settings are much easier to change and understand. Here are my first pics with it, so no photoshop
The ONLY thing I don't like is that isn't not a full frame camera, I have the 50mm f/1.8 lens so it's hard taking pics in tight places… I would suggest 35mm F/1.8:)
Answer mine please!

I'm sure that camera is good enough. What will be more important is the photographer.
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