Nikon SLR Cameras

Cannon or Nikon Professional Camera?


I've done lots of research on which professional camera is better and it came down to the Cannon so I now own a Cannon T3i Rebel EOS 21 mega pixels.


Great choice. M sure. Have the same

Jim A
Jim A

What are you asking since you already own this camera? By the way the t3i is 18mp not 21.
It's an excellent camera but it's not a professional model - those start at perhaps $4, 000.

You've got an excellent camera, don't get me wrong. I shoot a couple of Canon dslr cameras and love them both… So, good choice.


Professional cameras cost more than $4, 000, not including lenses and other accessories. DSLR does not = professional camera.It. Spelled *Canon.* Your Rebel is all you need at this point. And lenses are more important than the camera body, so if you tell us what you like to shoot we can recommend lenses for you. The T3i has an 18MP sensor, not a 21MP one. The T3i is an "entry-level DSLR," NOT a professional camera.

Brian Ramsey
Brian Ramsey

So what is the question? You got Canon 3ti so live with it.


If you Truly had done your "Research" you Should Know that the Correct Spelling for Cannon is actually Canon and also you should also know that the Canon T3I is 18 mp and NOT 21 mp. Plus you really DON'T ACTUALLY NEED A PROFESSIONAL CAMERAS because the Canon T3I is perfectly good Entry Level DSLR.