Nikon SLR Cameras

I want to start photography?


I'm looking to get into photography. I currently have a older model Kodak ZD710 Easy Share Digital Camera. I'm wondering what is the best camera that I can get to start out with. I would be trying to do nature pictures and pictures of myself for facebook when the time would arise. I heard Nikon is a great camera but I want opinions since I'm saving up big time for this. I know I will probably have $1, 000 wrapped up in this by the time I get done. I want something that is pretty close to what the professionals use but not so expensive since I'm a beginner. Thanks guys.

Added (1). I want to start out with the best camera possible… I just mean I would like a camera thats going to give me a pretty good "wow" factor when I use it. As for being like professionals, as a 16 year old I know I do not have 5 grand to drop on a camera at this time. But I want a great camera to start out on instead of buying a "okay" camera and having to go out and buy another one later one.


Start with entry level camera, such as the nikon d3100 (for 600$) or d5100 (for 800$).it will take you exactly where you should be.

go to, they have professional reviews.

Forlorn Hope
Forlorn Hope

What can't you do with your kodak?

unless you know how to use a camera properly, spend a grand on a DSLR will be a waste of money…

get a newer point and shoot or a bridge camera…

why would you want a camera "that is pretty close to what the professionals use"… Sounds like you have no idea what professionals use…

and it is the person behind the camera that takes the shot, not the camera… So learning photography basics is very important - or you end up taking bad photos with an expensive camera…


The Nikon D3200 is what I suggest but you have to wait for it to come out. In the meantime the D3100 is a very good choice.


I would also recommend an entry-level DSLR.

Nikon and Canon are both great brands with lots of options for accessories down the road. You should go into a store and play around with the display models to see which model you like the feel of. Then you can actually make your purchase online and potentially get a better deal.

Please, do your research on camera techniques. Learn how to use the manual modes or you'll be wasting your money! Learn about the camera specs - ISO capabilities, megapixels (and what they mean), check out what lens comes with the camera and the aperture/zoom on that. Again, it's a big purchase so don't waste your money.