I want to start photography and I don't know what kind of a camera I should buy?

I don't mean digital cameras and preferably Nikon or Canon thanks!

Both nikon and canon are great cameras!

So you DON'T want digital?
Then I recommend the 35mm film SLR's from Canon & Nikon
Canon AE-1
Nikon FM2

Get a cheap Holga…
they are fun and you can learn the basics without spending a fortune.

If by not digital, you mean film, then there aren't many of them. If by digital, you mean not a point-and-shoot, I think you should get a bridge camera. If you are just a beginner, you shouldn't waste your money on a DSLR.

Nikon and Canon only make a handful of film cameras now. What is your budget?
Canon makes the 1V, which is an awesome camera, but it costs $1, 700. The Nikon F6 is even more expensive. You can get the Nikon FM-10 which is only around $350.
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