Nikon SLR Cameras

I want to start Photography? - 1


I will be 15 June 20th.

Photography has always been a thing of interest for me. I was always interested in photographic tumblrs. I'm completely inexperienced and know nothing really about cameras. The only camera I have is an old Nikon SLR that my dad bought in the 90's.

My mom signed me up for a Photography class over the summer for SLR beginners. I was wondering if there were any basics I should know about Photography in general. One day, eventually I want to get a DLSR but right now I think it's good for me to start with my dads old SLR.

(I DO know that the difference between a SLR and a DSLR which is one is Digital and one uses film lol)

All responses welcome!

Brandi Lynn
Brandi Lynn

Well, if you'll be taking a class over the summer, they should be teaching you the basics. Hence, why you're taking the class in the first place.
But here are the basics, in my opinion.
Learning composition and learning all of the technical aspects about photography and reading the manual to your camera. You can never, ever learn enough about photography. But I really do recommend finding the manual to the camera, or trying to find a free download for the manual to the model of your SLR.


Hey i'm thinking about that from few days. But i can't complete any of the task

Venet Jones
Venet Jones

I would suggest a couple of good books first. "Understanding Exposure" by Bryan Peterson or "The Digital Photography Book" by Scott Kelby. There's 3 volumes of the Kelby book. Also look for books on composition. I think Kelby gets into composition in his books, but there are entire books dedicated to it as well. These will teach you the very fundamentals of photography. As far as the pro side, I can't help, I'm not a pro. But if you don't understand the basics, you can't take pro photos. And remember, it's more about you than the camera. Granted, a point & shoot without any semi-auto modes, or manual mode will limit you to an extent, but your knowledge of the process and your camera are what takes the pics. Tutorials on line are OK, but if you don't know what you need to know, how do you know what to look for? Books teach you in a linear, logical order. Once you know your basics, tutorials for specific technique and effects can be useful.

Subdued Technicolour
Subdued Technicolour

Yes. Start with lessons and with film. Perhaps start with a film toy camera before moving to a SLR. (And finally a DSLR).

Perhaps start with a Blackbird, Fly toy film camera first.


Actually, SLR refers to both digital and film (in order to distinguish, people put the "d" in front of "SLR", but all SLR stands for is single lens reflex camera (the term makes no mention of digital or film.

The whole point of taking the class is to learn the basics (assuming it's a beginner class).So I would not worry about it. If it still bothers you, then get a book on general photography from the library, which will go over basic concepts.

I'm assuming your dad's SLR is a film SLR. That's fine. Both types of SLRs work basically the same (except for one you load the film, for the other you load the memory card).

If your camera still has the manual, I recommend reading it and then taking a roll of pictures and seeing how they come out.

Not sure what a photographic tumblr is.

some guy
some guy

All that I can say is… DO IT! Its so much fun! I just started doing photography earlier this year and am currently in a college class and I'm having a blast! I don't know too much about SLRs since mine is a DSLR so I'm not sure how much of a difference there's, but I suggest just going out and messing around with it. I learned a fair amount on my own before I even got into the class. Your class is certainly going to help out quite a bit with telling you about the camera and how it works but a lot of it is just playing around with it and finding out for yourself what looks good, what settings you like and so on. I had to start a tumblr for class and plan on keeping it going long after this class is done, so check it out I'll probably follow you back since I'm guessing you have one.

P.S. Hooray for June birthdays! I'm turning 20 on June 3rd!