Nikon SLR Cameras

I have broke my lens?


I have broke my lens and my nikon warranty doesn't cover acciedental damage what should I do? I have contacted nikon and they say I should bring it in to the official Nikon aproved centers. Now I think that will cost of few quid. Is it safe to bring it into a camera shop e.g. Jessops/mathers. Will they fix it well and will it affect the warranty. I just want your advice on what I should do: official nikon repair centers or normal camera shop.


A camera shop, such as jessops, will just send it in to Nikon to have fixed. On top of Nikon charges, jessops will also charge you for shipping, and their own charges. Just send it in to Nikon to have fixed, assuming it is worth fixing.


If it's a small, cheap pocket toy don't bother… It'll cost you more to fix it than replace it. If it's a dslr and a particular lens has a problem, indeed, send it.