Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikon D3100 lens broke?


I feel so stupid. It fell off of my table onto tile floor and it broke into three separate pieces. It is a 18-55 mm nikon lens. I linked the three pieces that it broke into, will it be able to be repaired, or should i just buy a new one? Is there a better lens (better quality) that i should get instead? The camera itself is perfectly fine, the lens suffered all the damage. I'm new at all this camera stuff so its all really confusing. Please don't be harsh i know i'm stupid.

Nikon D3100 lens broke

Elle Jargin
Elle Jargin

Oooooooooooooh gurll… Looks like someone be needin a new lens gurl.


That one is far beyond repair.

Fortunately, these kit lenses are in ample supply on ebay, as many sell theirs to upgrade to better glass.

You could get either the 18-55mm VR (as yours was), 18-105mm VR or e.g. A Tamron 17-50mm/2.8 (with or without VC is up to your preference)


Owner buys a new one.

Three pieces? That's a hard fall. I'm pretty sure the camera is affected. It would be a good idea to have the camera checked anyway. There's no point in buying a new lens if the camera doesn't work. Borrow a lens from a friend. Don't drop it. Test it on your camera.

As for those three pieces, I hope you haven't thrown them away yet. You could glue them on a piece of plywood or a pane of glass, not together but as three unjoined pieces in a line with whatever small shards and bits on the sides. Have it covered in glass and presto, an artwork you could hang on the wall of your bedroom to serve as a reminder of how stupid you were. You could even auction it off (especially if the case is all glass) and earn enough money to buy a new lens or two (probably).

Broke into three pieces.My, I really can't imagine how hard that was.

Jeroen Wijnands
Jeroen Wijnands

Go to a shop, a real brick and mortar shop. Explain what happened and that you want to buy a new 18-55 if they let you test it to check if the body is not busted.

Don't throw away the pieces or turn 'm into art. List on ebay, there's always people looking for parts and you could get as much as $20 for these.

Vinegar Taster
Vinegar Taster

Time for a new one.