Nikon SLR Cameras

Nikon D-60 Camera lens broke off?


So today I was taking photos of my frog and I dropped my nikon camera remote so I bent over to pick it up and my but accidentally hit my tripod and fell to the ground(hardwood floor) and my lens fell off. What can I do? Do I need to buy a new lens or is this fixable? I turned on the camera and everything works fine, just no more lens.


You do realise the lens is meant to come off?

If it isn't working, it'll probably be cheaper to replace it than to repair. Just make sure there aren't any bits left in the lens mount.


Look on page 18 and see how lenses are taken off and replaced on your D60


It depends on the break. If you have a plastic lens there's a chance the lens is what broke and you can just buy a new lens. Like the other guys said, they are meant to come off don't cha know. But if the metal part of the camera is what broke then you have alot more trouble. That's something no one will bother to fix, $600 fix on a $200 camera (to find now used). Take it to a camera store, not best buy but a real store with old cameras and an even older clerk, just twiddling away at the same C3 for 67 years.