I'm shopping to replace my broken Digital camera. What FEATURES should be my focus?

The Fuji-Digital camera I bought from a travelling-merchant, years ago has finally given out. - It no longer powers-up. I used it to take a few Final pic's of my nephew's newly-arrived son a few days ago, so I do have some.jpeg's in it that I really want to take out.
I'm shopping to replace this digital camera with one with even more and better features - for a reasonable price.
Beginning my browsing at Wally World, I find a few models of cameras to consider.
How VERSATILE is the standard Aim-and-shoot-type of Digital camera vs. The model that comes with interchangeable lenses (like it's earlier version of the 35mm film camera)?
The Models and prices range from a CANON @$79.00
to a FUJIFILM @$119.00
to a SONY @$119.00
to a NIKON@$149.00
I'm not a PROFESSIONAL Photographer by any means. - I want an easy-to-operate unit that will allow me to edit my.jpegs on-the-spot, easily upload to my desktop terminal to post to my FB Wall and attach to misc. E-mails and will allow me to take an occasional live video with sound-recording.
What can be my shopping-options?
Added (1). I live on a VERY-TIGHT BUDGET, so price is very important.
Added (2). Placing a PRICE-LIMIT on my shopping, I will go as high as $150 for a GOOD QUALITY Digital camera with more features (I hope to be able to Edit my images inside this camera as well as setting the other options %Aperature, F-stop, Automatic-Focus, Repeating shots, etc.)

Ebay.com ( Camera & photo category) New Nikon COOLPIX L310 [ $ 150 ] Free shipping---dealer: camera-cartridgeworld --- Canon Powershot SX 150 IS [ $99! ] new---seller: mofitn35777 =The Phone Guy. Both these digital cameras are great

You gave no model numbers. I assume $149- is the highest you'll go for new camera?
I'd look into the Fuji S2950(S2980).

The Canon A810 is an easy to use budget compact camera. Works amazing, easy to use. It takes high quality HD videos, focuses well, not painfully slow. If don't expect manual features or anything professional get it