Can you dumb down all of the features of a digital slr camera?

I want to buy a professional camera for my photography class but i don't know what any of it means on the nikon or canon website! And also help with lenses? I don't know what lense i should buy?

Do you have any idea on how much money that a Professional DSLR actually Cost? Try in the in the ballpark of about $4000 to $5000 to start.
You far better off getting a basic consumer level DSLR that cost a minimum of around $500

Talk to your instructor. They will tell you what you need for the class.
A $5, 300 professional camera is NOT required.
For under $700 you can buy a good entry level camera like the Nikon D3100 or Canon 600D/T3i

I'll break the answer down in a few parts.
First don't confuse professional with dSLR. Just because you see a big camera and a lens, well it doesn't make it professional.Pro dSLRs start at around 2, 500 (give or take) US dollars body only no lens.
So unless you have that kind of cash, you can't buy a pro dSLR unless it is used and really old. You will most likely be looking at entry level dSLRs from Canon, Nikon and Sony Alpha.about 500-600 US dollars gets you into the game.
All entry level dSLRs have an auto mode like a compact so you can start shooting right way, just attach a lens, insert the battery and memory card and you are ready to go.
Telling what kind/brand of camera to buy and what lens to get is just way too long and complicated to get into here. If you plan on taking a photography course, you should at least know what lens you want and what all the numbers mean. All the info you seek is out there on the web for free, simply type in 'photography' tutorials' in your favorite search engine.
You will find tons of info not just on the artistic side of photography, but the technical like lenses and camera bodies. What ever camera body you go with, the cheapest and most simple thing to get is a 50mm prime lens. It's fixed so no zoom, but images are sharper, it's cheap, and you have the option of getting really blurred backgrounds. Good luck.
p.s. If you can, get the camera only no lens. They usually stick you with a 18-55mm lens, and the quality is usually blah.

You can get any dSLR. They are all basically the same. You can get it with the kit lens. They too are all basically the same. As for which exactly to get, it will depend on your budget. The higher your budget is, th better if you get the most expensive. That would mean more control range, bigger LCD, more megapixels and easier control access which would make learning somewhat easier.

As a learning tool a fixed focal length fast aperture manual lens is great. You'll learn lots about framing, depth of field, manual focus, etc.
Have a look at the Pentax K-r (available in lots of different colours and comes with an 18-55mm 'kit' lens) and go on eBay and buy a Pentax SMC 50mm f/1.7 lens. I bought mine in the UK for £15!