Nikon SLR Cameras

How to remove spiders from my Camera?

Umbrella Corp
Umbrella Corp

I came to visit south florida and i left my Nikon 5100 on a counter and 30mins later very small spiders are coming out of it. Does anyone know how to remove them?


Air compressor. Take as many parts off as you can and use the air to blow them out

Daniel G
Daniel G

Spiders wouldn't be able to enter the camera unless it sat with the lens removed.
If there's a hatching egg sac within the camera, you will just have to wait to remove any webbing or sac. Perhaps placing the camera in front of a fan will drive any spiders out.
If they are just on the outside, just blow them off or use a vacuum.
Internally, webs can wreak havoc with the internals, and you may have to have the camera professionally cleaned.
Spiders like to nest in my bag, if you use one, that may be the source of your spiders.
(I just pick the spiders out and let them go, then just wipe the webs away)