Nikon SLR Cameras

How to post i lost my nikon camera?


I just had a baby 6 months ago and I somehow lost my camera with all her pictures, I have been looking for 4 weeks and it is driving me crazy, I don't have any pictures or videos it is so sad it is a red Nikon camera and it is only a year and a half years old, I can't sleep all I do is think of where it is and if someone else has found it and don't know how to get in touch with me 516-729-8465 she is so precious and I really don't care if the person wants to keep the camera I just want all the memory cards inside the camera bag and the pictures of my beautiful daughter I would be so grateful if someone calls and wants to return it please I'm so sad about it and it was in a black case with a red stripe you would make me a happy person please call just want all the memory cards back.


Did you try your police department? I think people sometimes turn in found things there.


And now you leaked your phone number onto the internet without even saying what city or town you are in


Go back to the place you lost it at and find whoever owns or manages the area. Ask if they know anything about it. If not, tell them to keep an eye out for it and then you may want to put up signs with your phone number and a generous reward. Also say you want only the memory cards back. If someone stole the camera they might be kind enough to return the memory cards.


Dear, remove your phone number from this forum - you are opening yourself to all kinds of harassment when people post that number. You won't get your camera back, somebody has a new camera, and you need to face the fact that you lost it. However, put a posting on Craigslist for a small reward for finding the camera - BUT DO NOT list phone numbers or addresses - use the anonymous email contact until you have a potential finder. AND if you meet them, do it at a public location - a McDonald's or a Starbucks, somewhere where other people are. You are leaving yourself vulnerable to harassment, identity theft, physical assault and even robbery because people can find you based on that phone number. TAKE IT OFF NOW.