How to go about fixing my Nikon 85mm 1:1.8D lens?

I went on a portrait shoot last week and all of a sudden my pictures started coming out way over exposed. When I took a closer look I noticed that the aperture diaphragm blades were unraveled and loose inside my lens. It's a brand new $300 lens I got just 3 months ago, I only used it 4 times. I went online to Nikon and just to send it in was gonna cost $98.00 which is a complete rip off. Any suggestions on a cheaper repair plan or if it's gonna cost more to fix then it's worth?

Your lens is covered by the Nikon warranty since Nikon lenses have a one year warranty and some qualify for a five year warranty but you have to send in the paperwork
I have to wonder why Nikon would be charging your $98 to repair your lens unless you dropped it at some point since you purchased it.
Nikon has always had me send in my camera or lens for a repair estimate before ANY work was done. I find it hard to believe that they could quote you a repair cost without having the lens in their possession.
Call Nikon repair and talk to them.
My guess is that you bought a grey market camera since the retail price for the Nikkor AF-S 85 mm f/1.8 is actually $480, NOT $300. You may have to call the seller and have them repair it using what ever warranty they issued with the lens.
$98 to repair a lens that is out of warranty, grey market or has been dropped is NOT a rip-off at all. One of our interns dropped one of our 70-200 mm f/2.8 lenses and it cost $600 to have it repaired, still a bargain for a $2,000 lens.

Since you paid such a low price, I'll agree with Ace's guess that you bought a grey market lens. Nikon USA only honors the warranty for products specifically exported to the US market. This can be determined by the serial number. Most Nikon lenses for the US market has "US" as the first two digits of the serial number. With your $100 repair bill, the lens is still cheaper than buying a US market lens which is anywhere from $420 to $470, depending on sales.
Consider this a live and learn experience. If you want to buy grey market, get it from B&H Photo which backs up their grey market sales.

You bring it to the authorized Nikon service center.