Nikon SLR Cameras

How to take these photo's?


I was told that it's possible to take these photo's with a point and shoot camera.

What exactly would you need in order to take these photo's? Would you need to adjust the camera's on the setting to a certain filter, or what exactly would you need to do?

I'm looking into purchasing a Nikon L110, and I was wondering if it would get the job done?


It is ** not ** impossible to take these with a decent point and shoot.

A good photo results from good composition, perfect exposure, perfect focusing and ** very good ** lighting. The photographer had complete control of whatever was used to illuminate the subject in your photos. Even if it's sun light, it can be controlled (bounced off something, for example).

A photography course will teach you all this.


Again… THe L110 will not shoot photos like that without some major lighting assistance and knowledge. If you expect it to take those kind of photos by just pressing the shutter, it will not happen.
The L110 will not allow you to control the exposure using manual mode. It does not have that ability, so if you do have the knowledge necessary to create those images it won't let you use it.
If you have the knowledge to set up the lighting and posing so that the camera has to do essentially nothing, then yes it will work, however that would be a pain in even a pro's but as you have to counter act what the camera does in it's feeble little brain.