Nikon SLR Cameras

How to fix my nikon fm 19 lens?

Jazzy Fizzle
Jazzy Fizzle

My lens broke off this morning, but i don't know how. I'm scared i might mess something up though so if anyone knows how to mount the lens on there or of any places near Orange Park, FL that can fix this type of camera, i would really appreciate it.
Thank you in advance.

Added (1). It's an FM10 i wasn't sure because its actually my sisters camera, but i just wanted to find out for her. And Yes, it broke off. How would you not understand that? Anyway. I dropped the camera from our couch accidently and the lens "broke off" the body of the camera. The reason it's hard to fix it is because there's a bunch of little plastic pieces that connect the lens to the body, and a lot of them broke off. Thank you Johnny Martyr and B. E.I. For you guys trying to help us.

Jim A
Jim A

"Broke off?" What does that mean? If the lens is truly broken it's probably going to have to be repaired or replaced. Find a pro.


I'm not sure what camera you have. I have never heard of a FM19, perhaps you meant FM10?

The best thing to do is take the camera/lens into an actual camera shop (not bestbuy/walmart) and have them look at it. Look in the phone book under cameras or photographic equipment.

EDIT: It sounds like the lens had a plastic mount as opposed to a metal one. A camera shop would be your best bet… Not only to see IF the lens can be repaired, but to make sure the camera body lens mount did not get bent.

Years ago ("get off mah lawn" days), I had a plastic ear/tab mount break off of a lens, and they quoted me $90 to fix a $140 lens… That was the last time I bought a lens with the plastic mounts.

I would suggest going to typing in cameras and your city, state to find an actual camera shop (I avoid Ritz/Wolf like the plague though).

Not to be a smart***, but your situation is the perfect example of why my camera is securely in its gear bag anytime it is not around my neck with the neck strap.