Would a hasleblad h4d50 camera be good for a beginer?

Hi its i'm an 12 year old girl and its my dream to be a photographer. So my dad bought me a nikon d3 because he said if i had the best stuff then i would be able to get better faster… But it has way too many controls and its too heavy to cary around all day. So people recommended me i get a hassleblad because it has less controls and is more user friendly.anyways, i told my dad about it and he said it looks like a really good choice and id pretty much be getting one of the best cameras available. He told me to think about it for a couple days and i really want it but he wants me to think about it because its kinda on the expensive side… So… I was just wondering what you guys think about it and if you can give any sort of advice

If you have a spare $31, 000 - go for it! Http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/671885-REG/Hasselblad_70480532_H4D_50_Digital_SLR_Camera.html
Now that is funny!

B K, this is a total scam… No way in a million years she is 12, got a D3 and daddy is thinking about a hassy, and posting it here!
You can also tell your dad that for a special time only, you can get the Hassy with a professional photographer that would go with you everywhere and would setup the camera for you just so you only have to press the button and take wonderful photos that will immediately make you famous!
Contact me for details

Tell your dady to sell the D3 (if, of course you don't want to post it to me)?! Then give the money to starving children in Africa and buy a used or refurb. Hitachi HDC-861E Digital Camera for you so you can learn the basics of photography!

The "best stuff" will not make you get better faster. You still need to understand the basics of photography (such as how ISO/Shutter speed/Aperture work together, proper lighting, and how to properly compose a photo). If you don't understand any of that, you will be lost on a Hassie. Take some photography courses and learn what you have.
I have seen better photos from a professional with a cheap camera then I have an amateur with an expensive camera.
If you think the D3 is heavy, a Hassie H4D50 weighs twice as much (1400 grams versus 2990 grams). Then consider the cost… When you add in three Hassie lenses you are at $50, 000+. And a Hassie is NOT a camera that you can just take to the beach for a fun day with your friends. I have always considered them to be more of a studio camera.
If your dad has that much disposable income, have him get in touch with me. I could use an investor for my studio.

When you get your Hasselblad, set it for long exposure and toss it up in the air. All the kids are doing it today in order to get real artistic shots.
P.S. Don't forget to catch the camera when it comes down.

Nice try, but like the man said, 'You can fool some of the people all the time… (etc., etc.)'

Yeah sure. Tell you dad to send me one too, and I can be your personal online mentor and trainer on how to use the camera.

Haha - now run along and play somewhere else and leave this area for the adults.