Good Camera for Beginer Photographer?

My dasughter is 13 years old and for Christmas would like a camera of her own. She loves taking pictures and she really likes the D3000 from Nikon. Is this a good camera for her? If not Please leave suggestions. Thanks. By the way she may want to be a photographer when she grows up.

Any SLR cameras is what you want.

My dad gave me his old olympus om-1

The D3000 is an excellent camera for beginners. She can learn well on it. I do suggest, however, that you don't just get it and surprise her because she may not like how it is set up- how it feels, etc. I suggest you take her to a camera store and let her try out the Nikons as well as the canons. Some people prefer canon, and some prefer Nikon.
The canon equivalent of the D3000 is the Canon Rebel Xs (1000D)

The D3000 is excellent, but it has no Live View and no AF motor, so not all lenses will auto focus. The XS has both for same price.
Here's a post called 'Buying a DSLR, what's important, megapixels, features, brand, price, quality and which one to buy -
Good luck! The site has many more tutorials, tips, reviews and buying guides!