EOS Rebel T3i Length Time Limit?

Does anybody know if the EOS Rebel T3i has a limit in the length of the video clips it records in full (1920 x 1080) HD? I know the Nikon D300s has a 5 minute limit on their half (1080 x 720) HD video clips, which is really lame. Thanks for anyone who owns or uses one and knows!

Most DSLR's have a video length of only 5-10 minutes at a time.
-Because the senors will heat up really fast… Under 10 minutes. And the writing speed would have to be 8GB+ to record 1080p HD 30fps for more than 10 minutes, so it breaks it up to smaller video clips.

All DSLR's do, even the 5DMkII. It has to do with heat generation for the sensor. The longer you leave it on, the more heat the sensor generates… At some point that heat will damage the sensor. To prevent this, there's a shut off built in.
There are other limitations like if your memory card but heat is the one you have to worry about.
I'm not sure what the actual limits are. You might want to check the manual. The manual at page 151 answers all those questions… See here: http://gdlp01.c-wss.com/gds/0/0300004720/01/eosrt3i-eos600d-im-en.pdf
Maximum time: 29 minutes (depending on internal temperature.

Because they are meant for photography. Not video.