Can I go straight from a digital home camera to a DSRL camera as beginner?

I'm willing to master such a huge task but is it possible? I've looked at Bridge cameras but I wanna get started on a Nikon D200 - can I do it?

For sure. It's not a difficult camera to use. Unless you're buying one for like $5, 000 those are professional and I would not recommend those. But those are simple to master.

I went straight from nothing to a DSLR. All you really need to do is practice using it if you're serious about photography or simply taking nice pictures.
Mastering the use of random specs that cameras have (ISO, aperture, shutter speed and whatnot) may or may not be to your liking- who knows? That's where tutorials or friendly advice comes in handy.
Having an experienced camera person to help out is also a really good idea in both choosing a camera and using it. They can give you neat little tricks and tips on how to use the camera to its fullest capability.

Yes. The D200 should give you much better images than any bridge camera and it should last a long time. You can start off easily by putting it onto the "P" for "Program" mode where the camera will take care of most things for you.
Take a look at the D80 as well. It has the same sensor as the D200 and will still work with all the older Nikon AF lenses just as the D200 will, but it is quite a lot lighter. The D200 was more of a semi-professional body whereas the D80 was regarded as a top-end enthusiast's camera in its time. The D80 also has a more comprehensive completely-auto mode, which a beginner might find easier to use, at least to start with.

Yes, very easily providing you're willing to learn!
When you get it, read the instruction manual a couple of times and get to know every part of the camera. See what each feature does and how it does it.
Then go out and take loads of photos of anything at all;; trying all the different settings and controls. Look at the photos and see what you did right or wrong and learn from any mistakes.
It will be lots of fun!