Will jpeg fine in a nikon d90 offer enough image quality?

I just got a D90 today and i don't really wanna shoot in RAW so i chose the highest jpeg quality possible "Jpeg fine" Will it offer good image quality?

Yes. I have a D40 and I just also bought New D3100. I tried raw but shoot all my photos in large, fine so if I want to crop deeply and just use a small portion, I still get a great image. Shoot a lot and experiment with settings. You will find what pleases you very fast. I use the D40 for telephoto only and the D3100 for everything else and rarely have to switch lenses. Buy a good quality UV filter for enriched color and to protect your lens glass.

Yes it will, sometime I use both raw + jpeg fine on my camera, if I like the jpeg I keep it, if not I'll work the raw but it can load up a memory card pretty fast though.

I think you may be misunderstanding RAW files. A JPEG is a finished compressed file. The good news is that the camera has already applied sharpening, color correcting, and noise reduction to the picture yielding a great quality photo, though it is slightly more difficult to edit this file further.
A RAW file is mostly the raw data from the picture. All RAW files SHOULD be edited. You need to apply sharpening, noise reduction, alter colors, and apply filters if needed before the file is 'finished' and can be exported to JPEG. The reason to shoot RAW is the amount of leeway you have during editing. You can completely change the white balance after the fact, and you have tremendous flexibility to alter exposure, colors, and other elements with almost no loss in quality.
I recommend shooting RAW but only if you will be diligent and edit every photo you take. This may seem daunting but with software such as Adobe Lightroom, this is easier than you might imagine. I have alot of info on this at: http://www.learningcameras.com