How to get full quality of my Jpeg image in Slideshow? (Aftereffects to nero to dvd)?

I was struggled alot about this problem, i was tried to do slide show of my sister marriage photos (jpeg), in different softwares like nero 7, nero 10hdplatinum, movie maker, 3dalbum software, in all therese output is something blurred, photo is not getting clarity.( photos are taken by nikon D40 camera).
Now at finally i was tried to do slide show in After Effects, but when i rendered and got out put, same problem that output is not that much clarity, its something blurred, why is this happening, please any one tell me
I'm trying to do slide show in after effects, and after taking output just write that output to disk with the help of nero 10 platinum HD. Finally when go to nero output is so blurred,
then i tried to do slide show directly in Nero10 Platinum HD, even though the out put is blurred, not that much quality, What i have to do that i want to get full quality of my jpeg images in my slide show, If possible tell me how to do that in after effects.
Because i was created some effects on my own effort. And at finally which software is better to write that on to the DVD with beautiful menus.
Thank Q very much… In advance.

It would be according to original resolution of pics