Which brand is better? Cannon or nikon?

I'm choosing between cannon's eos 550d and nikon's d3100.

I like cannon!

Cannon is always better. Ask any photographer

Nikon, no question. Cannon is really good, but Nikon is consistently rated better in the trade publications.

Compare the two on the Canon and Nikon websites.
What the D3100 has that the 550D does not is auto-focus when in the video mode and of course it costs $700 here in the States and the 550D is $200 more.
You may want to visit a proper camera store and make some tests your self to see which one YOU like the best.
You really can't go to far wrong, since both cameras are made the the most popular camera companies around, at least when it comes to what the pros buy
It still amazes me that people want to spell Canon with an extra "n" making it into a military weapon, yet claim to know they are the best.
What is the best really has to do with which one YOU like the best. Ask any photographer

Nikon make pretty lenses. But cannon i got the 550d its alot more for alot less and the video quality is amazing: D

Nikon is way better.

I have the D3100 and it's a awesome camera!
Neither is better.It'd based on individual taste and brand loyalty, so don't let the majority of idiotic posters tell you. (Especially Rufies) Both brands make excellent camera's and are on equal grounds.

I own a d3100 and I will have to say it is the best choice for a beginner on a pure photography level.
With that, there are some things I don't like about the D3100:
-Auto focus on Video setting can totally be heard while filming video. You pretty much have to turn off the auto focus while filming video or cut the sound. If you want to shoot video you need a tripod and plan on not moving the camera too much. (the video is sufficient, good for landscape videos) Do not plan on using a DSLR as your primary video camera, the technology is just not there on any camera yet, but close.
-No jack for external mic. Canon T2i does have a jack.
-No wireless remote sensor. D3000 has it though. Why they took it away for the new model I don't know. There's a wired remote option.
-No bracketing. T2i can be bracketed.
If you feel like waiting, they say that a d5100 is on its way in a few months. I believe they will clear up these issues on this new RUMORED camera. If you don't feel like waiting you could buy the Nikon D7000 because that will be your first and last camera. Warning: you will need training to take advantage of this cameras capabilities, without the right training it will effect your photography.
Although I'm a Nikon guy, I will also suggest the Canon T2i (Same camera model as 550D, 550D is euro version). This camera has all the bells and whistles that the D3100 doesn't with very comparable specs, for 50.00 more. Compare the two:
In the end, you would think I chose the Canon T2i, but I didn't, I chose the D3100. Why, you ask?
1. I like the way it feels in my hands compared to the Canon
2. Awesome Color and Image quality, more vibrant than the T2i
3. Ease of use with Guide Mode. This camera is teaching me more and more every day until I decide to sell the body and upgrade to the D7000.
4. Ease of use for "live mode", press a switch and your lcd screen is showing live. On the T2i, Live View is placed in illogical menu pages. This is big!
5. Slightly Cheaper
6. No DSLR video technology is too my satisfaction, so the quirks with video mode don't bother me.
7. Bracketing… I'm a amateur photographer, what the hell am I going to do with a bracket? Film weddings?
8. Wireless remote, who needs it? Wired remote is more accurate and consistent then a wireless.
9. Cool image filters, like a built in fisheye, and many more filters. Its like a mini photoshop in the camera.
Bottom line, the D3100 is a DSLR for the common idiot to take professional photos. No entry level camera is going give you better images, be easier to use and going to teach you more about photography than the D3100. Hands down the D3100 is the best entry level camera to start with. Save the money with this entry level camera and spend it on great len's. I rather have a 600.00 dollar camera with a two 500.00 dollar len's then a 1400.00 dollar camera with a 200.00 dollar lens. When you have paid your dues with the D3100, sell the body, keep the len's, and get the D7000. The D3100 will keep you satisfied for a long time though.