What camera is best for a beginning teen?

Alright, I'm 15 and I have become really into photography.
I have doing some research and looking for the right camera but I'm still having a hard time.
I need something for a reasonable price beacause I have to pay for half of it.
A few i have in mind, NIkon D5000 and Canon T2i
can you guys give me more suggestions? And wether you would choose canon or nikon?(for a beginner)

Both Canon and Nikon have a great selection of glass and countless first and third party accessories; go to the store and try out the bodies and see which brand fits your hands better. I prefer Nikon since I've got a lot of old lenses that I use with my film SLR and their digitals fit in my hands more comfortably. Buy a used body and use the extra money towards better glass as that will affect your picture the most. Take a look at a used D90 or 40D and a nice zoom or prime lens, that's what I would do if I was starting out. And don't forget, it's the photographer that really takes the pictures, not the camera!

It's a fairly new feature to be able to record HD Video on your Digital SLR and I'm sure within the next year the standard will be 1080p, but you won't even notice it's 1080p unless you're viewing it on a HD monitor that's over 32″ in size.So, although the awesome factor makes me lean into the high specifications of the Canon T2i on paper, the lower cost for a camera that still provides outstanding results makes me lean towards the Nikon D5000.