Nikon SLR Cameras

Christmas List Ideas for a Teen Girl?


Ya ya I know I'm another 13 year old girl asking for ideas for my christmas list. I already give most of the money I get for christmas to charity and I also volunteer on christmas and then go back home for christmas morning. So I really just need things to add to my list. I like to have a big list not because I need all of these things I just want to give my parents a lot of options for things because they said it would be helpful if I did. I would appreciate it if you didn't say general things like clothes shoes money gift cards etc. SPECIFIC THINGS Because if I was going to put those on my list I wouldn't be asking you all now would I. Ok so here is the list it also has links to the products if you wanna read more about them.

- A Nikon D3000 camera or an Old Polaroid camera (the one that has the pictures come out of the camera)

- Some Navy TOMS shoes (the business that donates shoes to kids when you buy some)

- Grey Tall Uggs

- This funny t-shirt that I'm obsessed with

- Cute boyfriend tops

-I'm redecorating my room to look like the first example picture

- A subscription to this really cool gift website you should look at it it's so cute

- What would I do without monkey slippers

- A cute new fossil wallet

- This mostash ring

- This DORK ring

- And the old purple Ipod nano the 5th generation one

- I'm also asking for a subscription to Teen Vogue subscription, a new scarf and hat, some cute rain boots, and a cup called "I'm Not a Paper Cup" That is really cute. I was just to lazy to find pictures of these things.

Also don't say something stupid like "A Life haha" because If i need a life then why are you answering this question if you not even going to try to help me.

P.S. I know because i said don't say stupid things a lot of people probably will


The have some cool gifts for teens here, you will like them: